sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2009

Eu me acostumei a ser muito precisa, tanto com horários assim como datas, sempre gostei de números exatos...

E hoje, ao completar um ano postando aqui... decido encerrar isso aqui (só o tempo dirá se esta é uma medida provisória ou não)

Sim, estou me aposentando das palavras... o que não significa porém que de vez em quando eu não recorra à elas, mas farei isso o mínimo possível, uma vez que não há mais nada que eu ainda precise dizer...

Simples assim, deixo isso tudo no mesmo lugar aonde começou...

terça-feira, 17 de março de 2009

Welcome To Illusia

Comentários: Bom, na verdade esse é um poema inacabado ... e assim vai permanecer, porque hoje eu não vejo mais sentido para as palavras que nele foram escritas... espero que ainda assim tenha se tornado algo bom, pois durante quase uma semana depositei minhas esperanças na sua grandiosidade... algo que infelizmente não saiu como planejado.

Welcome To Illusia

I spent a long time being who I am
Now it's time to fake

Once I dreamed wishing I could change the things
Now I keep waiting but without a hope, I cut my wings
Blinding memories
Denying reality

I tried to live my life but I just found pain
Every step I take I get more insane
Do you really know me or you just play the game?
So why does the last piece remains?

Do you believe in everything you see?
How can you say it's not a fantasy?
Heart against mind in a eternal fight
Can you find the light?

Welcome to Illusia
A place where you can buy your dreams
Welcome to Illusia
A place where nothing is what seems

My silence was the worst lie I could have told you
Now I spend my life thinking in what I won't do
But they never will forbid me to lay my head
And dream with all that I can't have

domingo, 8 de março de 2009

Dreams Are The Best Torture

Why is so easy to believe in what your eyes cannot see but you always find while you are sleeping?

The day that I read those verses
I knew that everything was just beginning
And it won't stop so early

'Cause it's just the pain that keeps watching me sleeping
Stealing my dreams to makes me feel like a sinner

I wish I could understand everything that I cannot know
But I keep waiting... I will always be here in the same place
Don't matter how much I cry
'Cause nobody can see my eyes
Don't matter how much I love
'Cause I don't have a heart

Dreams are the best torture
Don't matter what you do
They will always live in you
And the foolish hope will always be a light through the darkness
A light that turns off everytime you open your eyes

'Cause it's just the pain that keeps watching me sleeping
Stealing my dreams to makes me feel like a sinner

I guess I lost my last chance
But it never was real
So I just need torture myself one more time
But I don't know if I want to wake up again

Dreams are the best torture
Don't matter what you do
They will always live in you
And the foolish hope will always be a light through the darkness
A light that turns off everytime you open your eyes

Why I still believe?
Another light turned off...