quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2009

Son Of The 7th Month

Son of the 7th month
You can betray them all
But you will never betray me
'Cause I will kill you before it

Son of the emperor
You can't control me
I see through your eyes
You can't lie to me

As if I know the future
I build my own grave
And I only wait my time to lie
I will close my eyes while I'm in time

Son of the 7th month
Born with the moon
I know everything about you
And I'm planning to use you

Son of the chaos
You will fall even if I have to fall with you

As if I know the future
I build my own grave
And I only wait my time to lie
I will close my eyes while I'm in time

“And the river will never flow again but my blood will remain there staining the water, just making me remember that the pain will never be gone and you were just another one who came to show me. And the next will show me the same thing. The tale will repeat forever.”

Son of the 7th month...
Bring me back to my death
Take everything that I have
But I promise that I will steal it back

4 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Eu tenho uma noção do porque disso...

Eu gostei ficou meio, meio...ai esqueci, mas ficou legal...

Ficou bem assim ameaçador...

Eu gostei....

*idéias mirabolantes na cabeça do Jonas e*

Depois converso com vocÊ sobre ele...


Perfeito, como sempre!

Te amo!

E espero pelos próximos *u*

Bryan_Mcalister disse...

Ficou, ótimo, a letra tem um tom bem sombrio,gostei muito. Lindo como todas as suas composiçoes mi Lady ^^

;** Beautifull Girl

Émanon disse...

the poems are good and i like vanilla ninja,too (=

Alberto disse...

não sei porque mas achei que foi direcionado a mim o.o (talvez saiba... mas a explicação é deveras prolixa...) ^^