segunda-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2008


I can't believe
I'll never believe
I'll never understand
I'll never see
I'll never do
I will always wait...

So fool, how could I lived thinking in fulfill my dreams ?
The truth is that everything is what seems
And once you open your eyes you cannot close it again
So I saw that I'm the only that don't need more explains
It's getting cold one more time, I haven't time to try
'Cause it will be over before I could die

The time to commit a mistake is coming
In few minutes I'll be bleeding
I always knew where this way would carry me
Since the first line I could see what it will be
I'm so guilty
I'm so weak

I can't believe
I'll never believe
I'll never understand
I'll never see
I'll never do
I'll always wait...

I never fought against this feeling
And all my thoughts keep screaming
I don't wanna lose what I never had
I never felt so scared
I wanna say what's killing me
But it's hard to find the right words to make you see

It can't be true
And it's so cruel

2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

"I don't wanna lose what I never had"

Idolatrei a frase!


Pq? Pq?

Pq ter medo de dizer?
Pq ter medo de enfrentar algo?
Pq ter medo de quem nos ama?
Pq ter medo de amar quem nos ama?
Pq ter medo de perder qm nos ama?
Pq ter medo de perder tudo apenas por amar?
Pq se arrepender de amar mesmo que esse amor nunca foi expressado?

A resposta também começa com "pq"...

Pq naum fazemos tudo isso?

Pq temos medos de que apareça muitos "pqs" vindos de pessoas que não sabem o "pq" de amarmos.

Pessoas que não conhecem o significado de sentimentos simples...

Nossa, o texto ficou ótimo, vou ficar refletindo durante um vbom tempo sobre isso...


Tá de parabéns, gsotei muito!

O inglÊs continua impecável!


Meus parabéns!

Darkness Maiden disse...

Ameei o texto, ameei o comentário acima