terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2009

24 hours

In 24 hours I wished to die
But some minutes after I wished to keep alive
I thought I was seeing the end laughing of my face
I almost cried, thinking I was losing my place

And I felt the angry growing inside of me
I saw how cruel and cold I could be
Above it all, I saw how much you mean to me

In 24 hours I felt so weak that I couldn't open my eyes
But the truth was that I want to believe that all could be a lie
But now, more than ever I know there's nothing above what I feel
And it's the only thing inside of me that I can say is real

And I felt the angry leaving me
And it makes me think how much guilty I could be
Above it all, I knew this pain could kill me

In 24 hours I was beyond the border of insanity
And my senses told me that I wasn't ready for the reality
But my heart fought to keep beating
To show me how much I was bleeding

And I knew that nothing would change to my way
And I understood that I will live with the pain everyday
Noboby will can take it away
'Cause now it's too late

2 comentários:

A escritora disse...

é incrivel como vc consegue ezpor sua dor atraves das palavras de forma tão intesa que faz com que sintamos sua dor como se fosse nossa...
as 24horas decisivas, em que o mundo parece virar de cabeça pra baixo e ainda por cima ao avesso
quantos dias assim eu ja tive e quantos ainda suportarei ter?
ta simplesmente otimo lady, como sempre

Darkness Maiden disse...

é impressão minha ou eu ando completamente sem criatividade para cometários? o.0
que horror!!
bom... acho que é de tantas vezes que eu já disse como você se supera a cada poema que você escreve, e o quanto eu me identifico com eles
